Today is International Widows Day…what can I say ~ it’s a club I joined not by choice.
What I can acknowledge is how much:
Has been acquired through this journey.
Last year I had a great conversation with Jay Stark on a webinar entitled, “If I Knew Then What I Know Now.”
Isn’t that the way??
If we knew earlier??
But then we would miss the ride of discovery.
✨Loss is universal…relationships, work, parts of ourselves; grief is an extremely unique process.
Through this journey some great wisdom has been gained ~ if you would like to connect for a conversation or know someone else who may benefit ~ I’m open to doing so.
#InternationalWidowsDay #speaker #journey #wisdom #share #inspire #connect #fortitude #Tools4Success #facilitator #Kolbe #coach
Click link ⬇️ To connect to YouTube webinar.