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The Power of Play!


Growing up as a Saskatchewan farm kid I often heard the phrase,” Go play” or even more so

“Go outside and play!”

What a gift!!

Play is super powerful ~ as young children play is crucial to development. We learn through exploring, experimenting, and creating.

We learn about ourselves, others and our environments.

Curiosity is encouraged (hopefully).

Being on the farm as a kid provided the freedom to explore in nature.

Whether it was making mud pies or building underground tunnels amongst the snowdrifts of the tree-line, cards or board games and the classic writing out of music lyrics to sing along with.…playing was AlWAYS apart of our day!

As we play it provides the opportunity to be curious, to test limits (ever walk over a frozen slew in the spring time??), to learn how to take turns and share with others.

From my educational background in Recreation I can share how moving of the body releases natural endorphins and creates a positive ripple effect ~ remember the feeling after a full day of play outside and coming in dirty and worn out?

Having a bath or shower and barely enough strength to lift your arms and falling fast asleep before the head even hits the pillow!!!


And then somewhere along the way “to do” lists, plans and commitments, technology and screens took over which increased the amount of stress, weight and restless nights.

Emotions and feelings can get stuck or overwhelming and cause us to shut down and cocoon.

I don’t ever remember a time where I didn’t feel like playing as a child!

Whether it was with others or by myself.

What a gift ~ child like wonder and play.

And here is the secret ~ it doesn’t have to disappear or diminish no matter what others may say! I would even be so bold to say it becomes even MORE important as we age ~ the need for connection & community, flexibility & strength, our mental & emotional health ; our well being is connected to the child within and the NEED to play!!

I understand this ~ it’s something I value and make a high priority in my personal life and in my professional life as a facilitator of workshops.

Play has POWER!

This weekend adult, check the lists, AND get outside to PLAY!!!

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