Trust is a precious and fragile thing.
Trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
At the root of trust lies vulnerability and this may present a challenge or blockage …especially if we have experienced any form of misuse or negative experiences along our journey.
In order to trust others lies the power within of trusting oneself first and foremost.
Not always an easy task and definitely depends on individual circumstances .
Here in lies a great opportunity for the work of growth.
So how do we begin to trust our instincts when we feel we have wandered from our true North?
I believe in “the little things .”
The moments that something just fits or all the dots are lined up - a sequence that is set in motion for our success.
Yet, here is the thing, even though an opportunity may be before us that seems and feels to be for our higher benefit - we always have a choice and we are the ones that need to take the action of vulnerability in taking the next step.
It involves a lot of trust in the unknown and if our mind begins to live past experiences of negativity it has the power to drown out the little voice of potential and possibility from within .
Our energy can become stifled and stagnant.
This is where it is super powerful to tap into our strengths and know what we need in order to gain momentum , move the old energy and create a new space to flow freely.
As we do this we build trust from with in , grow our confidence and become much more aware to following the signs of opportunity placed upon our path.
I have experienced this.
And I have experienced so much personal growth in this area through life.
The rock in the picture is a small example.
I went to pick up a different rock painted for me and when touring the studio this rock found me.
I say it found me for a few reasons…when I picked it up out of a dish of at least eight others it fit perfectly in the palm of my hands.
My fingers curled around the edges as if it was an extension of me. The Tree of Life is painted on this rock. The spiritual symbolism includes enlightenment, wisdom, resilience, longevity, spiritual growth and connectivity.
Inspire ~ Connect ~ Fortitude
The three words that guide my speaking, workshops and teachings.
Trees go through a beautiful cycle in nature and offer a variety of teachings and opportunities to learn throughout their seasons.
I love nature and spend a lot of time within it to process, connect, and enjoy the things in life that bring me peace.
So yes, this rock found me and was meant for me I do believe because ever since I brought it home and have held it in my hand it has done beautiful things in connecting and grounding me to a deeper level of peace ~ one so strong and solid from within.
Negative and old energy is moving to create a space for new and possibilities.
I am listening and ready to follow where I will flow…I have been here before and know the best thing I can do is have faith and trust the process…quiet the noise of fear within the brain and tap into my strengths.
The opportunities will present themselves and my job is to trust and take a step forward with faith.
And so I ask…what seed of opportunity has been planted before you?
Chances are more likely that it is presented as a challenge or disruption to what now exists.
What may look like misdirection may be a huge possibility for redirection.
Get quiet and listen from within, be open to the signs of opportunity and make a choice to trust in taking the next step ~ tap within to your strengths and and take a step towards growth within this next season.
If you’re looking for some tools on your journey ~ let’s connect www.teresawalker.com