Last snapshot taken yesterday from my dock at the lake.
Another summer season came to an end and it was challenging to say goodbye.
I’m not good with goodbyes, I know this about myself, and I have worked really hard within this area over the years.
This summer was a summer of rest.
Not many visitors or events.
Rather time surrounded by nature ~ a summer of processing the seasons I have experienced within my life.
We had many storms with intense lightening and booming thunder that blew in damaging hail.
And it rained and rained and rained.
Some days soft and gentle while others fast and furious creating floods with no time to take shelter.
As well many days spent with clear blue skies, scorching sunshine and calm…so calm the water like glass.
At times the reflection much like the original it proved challenging to distinguish one from the other.
And oh the evenings of clear and crisp skies.
The darkness filled with sparkle of stars as well the glow and dancing of the Northern Lights.
A spectacular show and dance some evenings that lasted well into the dawn…all enjoyed by sitting on the dock.
Except for one evening when the glow pulled and I ventured out in my kayak.
A very magical moment.
Yes, yesterday was hard to say goodbye.
So I chose not to.
Instead I chose, “thank you.”
❤️ Thank you for the shelter from the storms.
❤️ Thank you for the opportunities to float and be still.
❤️ Thank you for days spent dancing in the rain.
❤️ Thank you for the warmth.
❤️ Thank you for the contrast between light and dark ~ each have been great teachers.
❤️ Thank you for moments no other soul will ever be witness to and will be held so dearly.
❤️ Thank you for the connections made.
There will never be another summer like the one had and I am beyond grateful for that.
✨Sometimes we search for purpose or try to figure out what that means for each of us or perhaps how we want to define it for ourselves.
The joke this summer was when my son asked me, “What’s your purpose today, Mom?”
He had no idea for many, many years I have questioned and searched and tried to create something that felt fulfilling or met a “societal standard.”
This summer spent reflecting, processing and being still more so than creating was a most purposeful one.
Until next season my dear lake home, thank you.