Boundaries are beautiful ~ it’s how we learn to love and care for ourselves and communicate with others in our space.
Boss Babe Boundaries was created out of a Kolbe coaching call.
We play many roles to a variety and it all takes energy.
Work roles, significant others, parenting, caregivers, friendships, community members…
We give, care, love, support, encourage…energy ✨.
So how do we re-energize?
It depends on how we are designed, the roles that monopolize the greatest amount of our time, and how aware we are of it all.
Sometimes we are so caught up in the “doing “ we don’t realize how much we are giving to others until our tank is running empty.
Boss Babe Boundaries is all about tapping into our own unique design, learning how to use our energy to its maximum levels, creating the awareness BEFORE the tank runs empty and empowering the confidence to voice what is needed.
How do we achieve this?
✨The first step is learning our own unique MO through the Kolbe A*Index.
Through the coaching session we start to make the connections with the core areas of life 💡.
Simple conversation that adds value.
If you are feeling lost within your own day to day or perhaps wanting to grow the confidence to use your voice OR need something to ignite that spark ⚡️ within ~ let’s connect!