July 5th, 2023 I opened my email and read, "Congratulations, you have been nominated!!"
It's an honor to be nominated for the
2023 Kolbe Professional Award: for Individual Leadership in Building Conative Excellence.
The Kolbe Professional Award honors a Kolbe CertifiedTM Consultant who has developed a high- level of expertise in Kolbe Theory, and has used Kolbe Solutions to impact organizations and/or individuals.
I love the power of Kolbe!!
I became certified as a Kolbe Consultant in 2020 ~ I was part of the first virtual training experience.
Empowering individuals, families, organizations, and teams of people is an amazing opportunity.
Kolbe offers such versatility in being a door opener into many conversations and situations.
Kolbe is an amazing foundational tool and bridges the gaps into many areas ~ this is why I advocate for everyone to learn their Kolbe MO.
It is such a privilege to connect with others and take the super complicated or overwhelm and break it down into understating and create actionable strategies for success both personally and professionally.
Our energy is the core to our self care ~ and in order to care for ourselves we must take the initiative to learn about our true selves, tap within to that energy, access it fully, learn how to safeguard and replenish it!
I am passionate about this process and being able to provide it to others.
Life isn't meant to be hard, yet it can be at times and it is up to each one of us to learn how to ignite the spark from within.
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with individuals, teams, organizations, and companies in learning their Kolbes and how to communicate more effectively, deal with conflict and stress, set healthy boundaries, create strategies for success and ignite the leader from within by identifying unique gifts and talents.
We are all meant to shine and learning our Kolbe MOs and applying the information to each of our core areas is something this natural facilitator is super proud to offer and be apart of the process with others!!!
Winners will be announced at
KolbeCon 2023 - October 25 - 27 in Chandler, Arizona.
Honoured to be nominated- thank you!!
#award #nomination #KolbeCon2023 #leadership #personaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #teambuilding #bridgethegaps #selfawareness #selfcare #coreareas #communication #conflictmanagement #strengths #inspire #connect #fortitude #Tools4Success #Kolbe #energy #facilitator #workshops #keynotespeaker #MakeTheMostWithYourMoments