My Kolbe “highlight” states…
“You’ll say YES before you even know the end of the question ~ then turn it into a productive adventure.”
A productive adventure…I ♥️that, I love that quality about myself and it has served great value in my journey thus far.
It’s something I have learned to embrace…years back I had some serious negative self talk as to why I wasn’t like others; I felt unproductive and quite honestly less than.
My “follow thru” has always been a struggle and quite exhausting but I now understand why.
My main source of energy lies within the creativity stage; the ideas, the willingness to try something new and seek opportunities.
And thank goodness for this.
Life has thrown some serious curve balls at times and my natural instincts have kicked in and taken care of me.
I have learned how to tap into and embrace this aspect of myself as well the awareness of the need to save energy for the other areas…like the follow thru and fact finding that require more of my attention.
When I may find myself in a “funk” and starting to shut down or close off I know an adventure is required.
A drive down a back road, a hike amongst the trees, a paddle on the open water ~ an opportunity to discover something new ~ within my surroundings and within myself.
This is the power of understanding our unique Kolbe MO and how we can apply the knowledge within our core areas as we journey and create through our lives.
This is what “works” for me…it may be different for you ~ let’s connect to discover more about your own unique abilities & energy and start to connect to the core areas of life.
I am a Kolbe Certified Coach…and this is what I do ~ EMPOWER others with #Tools4Success as they choose how to #MakeTheMostWithYourMoments
Visit to learn more.
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