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We All Have Lessons to Learn

Last night curled in a blanket on my couch with the soft glow of candlelight I came across the true story of NYAD on Netflix.

I'm not a big tv viewer but I do enjoy movies, especially true stories...this movie caught my attention right away as Jodie Foster has a lead role.

NYAD ~ the true story of fortitude.

So many challenges faced...emotionally, physically, mentally...

Some key takeaways from the movie included the power of believing in one's self and never giving up...yet acknowledging we do get tired and lose our way at times and that is why it is so important to build healthy connections and surround ourselves with others that encourage us and support.

The importance of dropping our ego and creating a team ~ everyone brings unique strengths and together amazing feats can be accomplished.

The power of a coach ~ someone who comes along side us and empowers our strengths; bridges the gaps where needed and believes in our purpose and dreams.

Mindset - our minds are more powerful than we ever give credit to - so much untapped energy and how important focus truly is.

Impact ~ our dreams, our goals, our setbacks, our accomplishments have more impact on those around us then we will ever know.

Age ~ it's just a number.

Our spirit is what truly counts.

NYAD ~ I highly recommend.

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